Frequently Asked Questions

  • To reactivate, you need to come to the Union office with your proper ID (photo and SS) and update your paperwork (W4, I9).

    If you think you have outstanding fees, fines, or restrictions, you may want to call the front office first and ask.

  • The main reason referents are made inactive is N.R.C. – Not Returning Calls. You must respond to the text messages and/or phone calls you receive that offer you work. After 6+ calls with no response from you, you can be made inactive. Even if you cannot take the work, simply text back “N” or “No” to the text number. That shows us you are still receiving our text messages and are still interested in working.

  • These letters are sent when it is reported that you did not show up for work or did not call 2 hours prior to missing the call to report your absence. The Union must have 2 hours notice, when possible, so that we can replace you on a call. Do not ignore the letter. You will have 2 weeks to write an appeal stating why you didn’t show up or call off of the show. You may continue to work as usual once you submit your appeal. The Referral Hall Committee meets once a month and will hear your appeal at their next meeting. You will be notified of their decision after that meeting.

  • IATSE National Benefits Fund will notify you when you have enough funds in your CAPP account to cover 2 quarters of insurance. Keep in mind you must be a Journeyman to receive contributions into your CAPP account. You can always check on your account by logging into the IATSE NBF website at:


  • Check our application status by clicking “join” from the menu above.

    Status: Accepting Applications

    You must apply online by clicking join above. Once you complete the application, it is forwarded to the Training Department.

    Status: Not Accepting Applications

    If IATSE Local 835 is not accepting applications, you may leave your contact information by selecting join from the menu above. Once we resume accepting applications, the Training Department will contact you to formally apply.

    If you do not have access to a computer, you can visit the office and use one of ours.

  • You will receive a response to your application after the Training Department has reviewed it. The Training Department receives a high volume of applications and will respond as quickly as possible.

  • You may contact the Training Department at 407-649-9669, Option #3 to inquire about your application. Please DO NOT contact the Call Stewards or the Main Office with application inquiries. They do not have, nor can they provide, any information regarding your application.

  • Be sure to have a current photo ID and social security card (or birth certificate). We do not accept copies or pictures on your phone of your documents.

Applying to IATSE Local 835

  • You may view a listing of the training classes available using the link below.

    Training Classes

  • You can enroll for training classes online. Simply use the link below to be redirected to the class listings. Then select “Class Schedule” for the desired class.

    Training Classes


  • You may contact the Main Office regarding an issue with your paycheck. Prior to doing so, download and complete a Payroll Discrepancy Form by clicking here and gather all supporting documents.

  • You may receive your paycheck through direct deposit. In fact, it is strongly encouraged. Simply download, complete and return the correct form to the Main Office. Forms can be obtained by clicking here or select document download on the Member’s page.

  • Paychecks are received at the Main Office after 12pm on Fridays. Your check can be sent out to a show when you are working and your start time is prior to 2pm.

  • Since Local 835 is your Union and NOT your employer, we do not provide W2’s. Those are mailed directly to the last address on file with the employer you worked for. Be sure to look at your pay stub/check weekly and notify the Union office if an employer has your address wrong.


  • You may obtain an ESCA badge at the Main Office, Monday through Thursday 10am to 5pm, if you’re an active referent in good standing.

  • Please contact the Main Office immediately so the misplaced badge can be deactivated and a replacement ordered. Please note, ESCA charges a fee for replacement badges.

  • You can update the information on your ESCA badge by contacting the Main Office.

  • If you are having trouble with your ESCA badge being read at a venue, you may contact the Main Office.

ESCA Badges